watches and trains…

Oh, how you loved trains

When you were a little boy,

You grew so tall

But you never let that go,

Watches and trains,

Keeping track of time spent

Marking miles of life traveled

I think now it was all because of


He welcomed you

The little boy without a father

Into his world of trains and travels

Setting you tall in the window of the caboose

While he tended to his duties

With a watch in his hand

To be sure

The train would arrive on time,

And when the trip was made once more

You would be embraced and fed

By Aunt Jo

Who loved you both so well

She would listen intently

To the stories of all you had seen,

I never hear the tick of a watch

Or the rumble of a train

That I don’t pause to think of you,

The little boy who grew up

To be my dad…

Watches and trains

How you loved them so

Time and rails

Always moving on and letting go

suz ❤️


ellie894 December 21, 2018

this one…

No sparklers

No hot dogs

No apple pie

The only fireworks were your pain

I took to the floor at your side

The concrete hard against my knees

Such a small price to pay

If only I could do more

Hold my hand, tighter now

That’s right

And, look at me, not her,

I’m right here

Not going anywhere

So close

You know,

You have your mother’s eyes

The chocolate brown ones with the soft blue grey ring…

Full of laughter

Ok, ok

Let’s see…music!

I was thinking of music, yours

If there was a soundtrack of your life

What would be on it…

This one and that one

First rocking, then soft

Ah, the hint of a smile

Now, who was that

That you let me play a thousand times over

When I was a child

Yes, Miss Nicks… how pretty she was

That got me a wink

Nearly done

How a moment can feel like forever

Oh, that I could take this one from you

And leave a beautiful song in its place

