That & This

I should have done, this or that

But, what I did was that and this

And, there were good things in the mix

There always are

Just as the night sky fills always

With so many a shining star

So, if you must make a list

Then count the kindnesses

And, realize the week is not yet half done

But, only half begun

And make the count, more fingers and toes than you have

And in your heart be mighty glad

That you are you

And for all you have…

…to give away…


Ellie894 May 8, 2024

How many eggs…

Outdoors the berries are bright and indoors the flowers are bloom,

it’s January cold,

at the edge of the curtains the light sneaks in strong and bold,

words trickle and then they stream,

spreading as far and as wide as the scratch that brings the chickens to a wee small girl a hundred years ago,

and more,

I wonder how many eggs were laid by the hens

and gathered by those tiny hands,

I wonder what she called her dog,

and if his real name was …



Ellie894 January 17, 2024

the real gift…

I’m not sure how old this box is, but, I’ve had it as long as I can remember. 

My grandmother made it for me one Christmas. 

It’s just a plain white box, and she probably got it from a department store.

To dress it up she got out her scissors and some Christmas cards that she had received and saved.
She must have wandered through them one afternoon to choose ones just for me. 

And, then she so carefully cut them out, leaving all the little details in tact. 

Then she used her rubber cement to affix them to the top the box. She always had rubber cement, never white glue.

When they were all in place, she gave it a light coat of sealer. 

She wrapped her gift in tissue paper and placed it inside this box and then tied the whole thing with some red thread that she had crocheted into a long chain to use as ribbon…

for me. 

I don’t have a clue what was inside of it back when it was first given to me.

I have no idea what she meant to be the gift. 

But, I still have the box that she created and I hold it so very dearly.

They say that children are always just happy with the box.

I guess maybe they’re right. 

And, I guess maybe there’s still a child in each of us…


Ellie894 December 18, 2023


There are many little ways to enlarge a child’s world. Love of books is the best of all. – Jacqueline Kennedy


Ellie894 December 13, 2023

The Gingko!

There’s no way to share the beauty of this ginkgo tree without all the worldly stuff that surrounds it.

It was a gift to the city of Tyler decades ago from a sister city in Asia.

It continues to thrive and delight all through the year but especially in spring and autumn when it’s at its most glorious.

I drive out of the way at those times just to be near it.

I parked the car and got out to get close.

I took a dozen pictures from various angles.

And, they’re all good, as no matter which way you see it from,

The ginkgo is Beautiful!

It always seems as if the stars themselves have fallen from the sky rather than leaves.

Hope coming close to whisper in your ear, that all shall be well.

There’s no way to share it without the building and the cars and the road, all the worldly things that it dwells among.

But after all,

isn’t that what hope is… to turn our eyes and our hearts to the kindness that is in the world itself…

not to hide away from it…

but to dwell there in the midst of it and to find the joy in each and every leafy starry moment!

May your heart be light today!


Ellie894 December 10, 2023

Hidden treasure everywhere!

I love to search for shells on the beach and rocks on the path,

I love to find the gift of a feather that once flew but now has landed,

I love to gaze up at the clouds and decipher what they hope to be,

and down into the soft reflections of a puddle or a pond… and find me,

and so too, I love the leaves…

just as much as all of these…


Ellie894 December 5, 2023